Geese Howard

Normal Throws

Ko Satsu Shou

or +

Shinkuu Nage

or +

Command Moves

Raikou Mawashi-Geri


Tendoh Kudaki


Special Moves

Reppuu Ken

+ or

Shippuu Ken

+ or

Fudou Ken

+ or

Fudou Ken • A

[orFudou Ken] + or

Fudou Ken • Ba

[orFudou Ken] + or

Fudou Ken • Un

[orFudou Ken] + or

Jyoudan Atemi

+ (Timed to your opponent's attack)

Chuudan Atemi

+ (Timed to your opponent's attack)

Gedan Atemi

+ (Timed to your opponent's attack)

Raimei Gouha Nage

+ or (When your opponent is down)

Super Special Moves

Raigou Reppuu Ken

+ or

Oni Hanmon

+ or (Timed to your opponent's attack)

Climax Super Special Moves

Raging Storm
